Terms and Conditions

This website, www.guidedbytradition.com.au is owned and operated by Rebecca Gunning

ABN: 60212576569

If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact me by sending an email to: rebecca@guidedbytradition.com.au

This document sets out the Terms and Conditions you need to be aware of when using this website. Please take a moment to read them, as they set out your important rights and obligations and I care about making sure we both know where we stand. When you visit this website, use my services or purchase my products, you agree that you are over the age of 18 and willing to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If you don’t accept this agreement, you should not continue to visit this website or purchase from me.

All products and services advertised on this website are offered in compliance with Australian Consumer Law.


On this website, you may find blog posts, articles, guides or instructions, hints and tips, info on health and wellbeing, downloadable resources, eBooks, courses and products. This information is provided solely for your education and general advice.


I take lots of care to provide valuable information, however, I cannot be responsible for the use that you make of that information. Please be aware that the generalised health information I provide is not a substitute for specialist advice tailored to your individual circumstances. There is no professional relationship formed between us unless you explicitly choose to work with me by purchasing my services or products.

Any testimonials and promised results I display on this website are based on my experience and that of my previous clients. They are not guarantees that anyone else will achieve the same results. I may modify the information provided on this website at any time, including altering or deleting it without notice.


Please be aware that any information I provide on this website, in blogs and in downloadable resources is general advice only. This information may not apply or could potentially be harmful to people in specific circumstances, so please seek medical advice before acting on this information to ensure your own safety, particularly if you have a medical condition or take any medications.

Your health, safety and wellbeing are incredibly important. I expect you to use common sense when accessing the information on or downloaded from this website and take responsibility for your own health, safety and wellbeing. It is your responsibility to determine whether the recommendations I make are safe and suitable for you. You should make independent enquiries before deciding that the information applies to your circumstances. Please check with your primary health provider for further advice if you are unsure.

Please contact me if you have any doubts or questions about the suitability of any general, nutritional, herbal or lifestyle advice provided on this website.


This site may offer paid and free downloads. While every effort is made to ensure these downloads are safe, I am not responsible for any viruses or other damage which might occur as a result of you downloading material from this site.


From time to time I may provide links to third party sites. I am not responsible for any content or information provided on these sites, and the links are solely for your information or entertainment.


The content of this website has been written by me unless there is another source acknowledged. Everything is protected by copyright. I own the copyright, however, I also appreciate that content is there to be shared. So if I have written something that you would like to share, either on this website or a social media post (@guidedbytradition), please make sure you include a link back to my website or social media page and do not pass it off as your own work.

The information on this website is for personal and non-commercial use only. All content may not be sold or copied without written permission.

If you believe in any way that I have inadvertently infringed on your copyright or trademarks, registered or unregistered, please contact me to discuss the issue.



This disclaimer relates to Naturopathic Consultations & Treatment. As a naturopath, I provide consultations which include thorough questioning, examinations such as iridology and tongue & nail diagnosis, and treatment plans. Treatment plans include natural remedies such as liquid herbs, flower essences, herbal infusions/teas, herbal creams and supplements, as well as dietary advice and meal planning, and lifestyle recommendations.My intention is to support you while creating the right environment for the body, mind and spirit to come back to homeostasis.


I am qualified as a Naturopath, with a Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy) and am a member of the Australian Natural Therapists Association (ANTA). This qualifies me to provide naturopathic services and dispense practitioner-only products.


During a consultation, I need to find out as much as I can about you, your current health and your health history in order to make the safest and most effective treatment plan for you. To get a holistic overview, I will need to ask a lot of questions about things such as symptoms, illnesses, body systems and processes, mental health, current living situation and family history. You must ensure that you disclose what medications and other natural medicines you are taking. I need to know if you are using the oral contraceptive pill or other hormonal or nonhormonal forms of birth control, including IUDs. I need to know if you stop, start or make changes to any pharmaceutical medications, herbal medicines or supplements during treatment. I need to know if you are taking or have previously taken any drugs- pharmaceutical, recreational, legal or illegal. This information is important so that I can understand and mitigate any potential interactions with the natural treatments I introduce.

I need to know about any allergies you have. I need to know if you have any current medical issues or past medical issues. I need to know if you are pregnant, trying to become pregnant or are breastfeeding, and I need to be informed if your situation or health status changes during the course of treatment, especially if you become pregnant, decide you want to become pregnant, discover a new symptom, develop an illness or if anything else changes since our last consultation.

You need to notify me immediately if you experience any worsening symptoms or any unpleasant or unwanted side effects or reactions after commencing each new or recurring herbal medicine liquid, supplement or other treatment. These unpleasant or unwanted side effects may include digestive disturbance, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation, pain, headache, fatigue, dizziness, lethargy, hives, breathlessness, swelling or tingling of the tongue or any other body part. Reactions may indicate a sensitivity or allergy to a herb so it is your responsibility to notify me immediately so we can rectify or cease that particular treatment.

I assume that the answers and information you provide me are true and accurate. If for whatever reason you have not provided accurate information please contact me directly and notify me. Sometimes there is a lot to remember and share, you may feel embarrassed or just simply forget so please notify me as soon as you realise that you have left anything out as it is essential for me to have all the accurate information on your health status and history.

It is important you do not take any other supplements during the course of our treatment without checking the safety and compatibility of your current prescription. Please contact me before purchasing or taking any natural herb or nutritional supplements so I can advise if safe to take with your current prescription.

My clients need to be aware and understand that I am not a medical practitioner and I cannot diagnose or cure any medical condition or illness. I do not claim to guarantee results even if I have had success with another client in a similar situation to theirs who’s symptoms or illness has improved. 


Herbal and natural remedies can be dangerous if used incorrectly. Herbs, vitamins and minerals have a safe and therapeutic dosage range which needs to be adhered to. Please use natural remedies only as instructed to ensure your safety.

Although we may talk about personal problems and mental health, please note this is not a substitute for therapy or counselling. I highly recommend seeing a counsellor, therapist or similar if you would like some extra support in this area. This will likely be highly complementary to your naturopathy sessions and treatment.


I do not guarantee results or improvements in any condition or symptom. Should you commence treatment with me, you agree to take any natural treatments, dietary advice, herbal medicine and nutritional supplements at your own risk. Everyone responds slightly differently to natural medicine and there may be a chance you do not see any benefit or actually see symptoms become worse. I am not held responsible in the situation should your health condition or symptoms become worse after commencing natural treatment under my care. If symptoms do worsen, contact me to discuss and I can refer you on if required.




Payment for consultation services or products is made online via bank transfer. Consultations are to be paid for at the time of booking and additional costs for supplements etc are to be paid for before the consult ends.


I do not offer payment plans at this time, however, if this interests you please contact me to discuss options.


I accept online payments through Paypal or EziDebit. Please look at their websites directly for their current privacy/security policies.




Shipping for personalised herbal tinctures, flower essences, teas and creams that I personally make up for you, will be at cost to you when prescribed through a consult. If any repeats of herbal tinctures, flower essences, teas and creams that I personally make up for you are sold without a consult, they will be shipped at cost to you.

I ship through Australia Post or a similar postal/courier service. The standard delivery fee is approximately $13.00 Australia wide, depending on the size and weight of the package. This may take 2-6 business days to be delivered.If you are ordering supplements that I do not hold in stock I will create a prescription for you on vital.ly (www.vital.ly) and postage will be set at their prices, which can range from $6.90 to $12.50. Please refer to vital.ly delivery terms and prices directly on their site. If you have any questions regarding this please email me.


Free and paid digital downloads will be delivered via email. Please check your spam/junk or promotions folders in case the email has accidentally ended up there. If there are any issues with the download, please contact me.


Delivery of consultations will be online through Zoom. You will receive an appointment link and instructions on how to download and install Zoom through an email after booking. You will also receive an initial questionnaire that will need to be completed at least 48hrs before the appointment.On the day of the appointment, click the Zoom link 5-10 minutes before the start time to make sure everything is up and running well and your camera and microphone are working. Make sure you are in a place where you feel safe and comfortable and won’t be overheard or disturbed throughout the duration of the consultation. This will allow the consultation to flow freely and support you to feel safe disclosing any sensitive information.

During your initial consultation, I will ask lots of different questions to get a really good idea of what’s going on with your health. I may have questions regarding your health history, allergies, sleep, stress, digestive function, reflux, bloating, bowel habits, reproductive system, periods, libido, immune system, headaches, pain, muscle and joint health, circulation, skin, hair and nails, as well as anxiety/depression, mood, stress, energy levels, exercise/movement, work satisfaction and any other relevant areas that come up during the consultation.

I may also be looking at physical signs, such as your eyes with iridology, your tongue, nails, skin, movement and any other relevant areas that contribute to your full health picture.

As a naturopath, I treat the whole person and aim to uncover the root cause of any symptoms. It’s important that I gather as much information as I can, so I can provide a safe and effective treatment plan.

Initial consultations take approximately 75 minutes and follow up consultations take approximately 45 minutes. 



I have a strict 24-hour cancellation policy. If you have to cancel your consultation for any reason, please give me as much notice as possible. If your consultation is missed or cancelled with less than 24 hours notice, then $50 will be charged. If payment for the consultation is taken at the time of booking, the remaining will be refunded to you.




I do not offer a refund for change of mind for any services, packages or products so I encourage you to choose carefully.

I do not offer a refund for naturopathic remedies including herbal tinctures, flower essences, teas, herbal creams or supplements. 


If a product that I have prescribed from vital.ly is no longer available when you go to purchase it, contact me and I will prescribe a substitute.

In the unlikely case that you have paid for an item from my own dispensary that becomes unavailable, I will give you the option to be refunded for the item or wait for the item to become available again.



You may receive products via postal delivery. If there is any damage to your products in transit you will need to notify me immediately and send photographic evidence of the damage. I will arrange a replacement for you as soon as possible at no extra cost to you.

Herbal tinctures are stored in glass bottles which are fragile and easily damaged. If you accidentally drop or break the bottle, you can order a replacement at full price plus shipping.

In the situation that I am unable to attend your scheduled consult for any reason, I will do my best to give as much notice as possible and reschedule your appointment to a mutually beneficial time. If the reason is due to myself falling ill and the illness continues for a considerable time, I will place the consult on hold for the time being until I am fit to reschedule.

If the internet cuts out during a Zoom online consultation, I will call your phone and continue our consultation via phone call. Any time delay between contact will be added on to the total consult time so there is no loss of time.

If the online payment system is not working, I will ask you to make payment via direct bank transfer for your consultation and/or products.

If you have purchased or signed up for a digital download or product that you haven’t received within 24 hours, please check your email spam/junk/promotions folders in case it has accidentally ended up there. If you still can’t find it, please contact me and I will find a solution.

If a digital download or link doesn’t work or a PDF doesn’t open, please contact me and I will find a solution.


If an allergic reaction occurs due to taking a natural medicine I have prescribed, cease taking immediately and seek medical advice if needed. Contact me to organise an alternative remedy for you.In the rare occurrence that a herbal medicine liquid, product or nutritional supplement is recalled and deemed unsafe, I will contact you immediately to cease the consumption of the specific product. You will have a new bottle issued to you as soon as possible and I will provide a 20-minute follow up consultation free of charge if there are any health concerns or questions as a result from this recall.

In the situation where a herbal medicine or supplement is faulty or suspected to be unsafe, please contact me immediately to discuss and I can organise a replacement if needed


Your herbal tinctures are made specifically for you and your needs only. 

I do not offer refunds for services provided or products purchased.



My website is a place where interaction is encouraged, so please feel free to contribute. Respectful behaviour is expected when commenting on guidedbytradition.com.au and I will delete comments that I find rude, offensive or unacceptable for any other reason.


I enjoy working with other health professionals, business owners and experts in the health and wellness industry. From time to time I will publish guest posts on my blog written by others. Although the information expressed represents their own opinion, I will oversee any content that is written before publishing on my website.




Guidied by Tradition is located in Queensland. This agreement is subject to the governing law of Queensland.


If you have any issue or complaint arising out of your use of this website or these terms and conditions, you and I agree to make a genuine effort to resolve the dispute through negotiation and discussion.


If we are unable to resolve a dispute by negotiation and discussion within 14 days, we agree to proceed to mediation with the assistance of an independent accredited mediator, seeking online dispute resolution or mediation by telephone if we are not both in the same location. The mediator is to be appointed by agreement between us or, failing agreement within twenty-one (21) days of the first notification of the dispute, the person initiating the dispute will seek the appointment of a dispute resolution professional by the Resolution Institute: https://www.resolution.institute/resolving-disputes/geta-professional. The Resolution Institute Mediation Rules shall apply to the mediation. We agree to share the costs of mediation equally between us.


It is a condition precedent to the right of either party to commence litigation other than for interlocutory relief that it has first offered to submit the dispute to mediation. Litigation is to be considered a last resort and may not be commenced until, in the opinion of the independent mediator, the potential for negotiation and mediation have been exhausted.



If you have any other questions, issues or concerns about these Terms and Conditions please contact me.